Design updates in your web presence emphasize your level of professionalism, and how dedicated you are to quality in every facet of your business: your website works great, your graphic design coheres with your brand image, and every design feature that catches your audience's eye is doing your branding for you.
That level of dedication to quality in your business tells your audience…
You care about your business…
The odds are stacked against you when it comes to building a rapport with your audience. In an oversaturated, over-advertised market like the internet, you’ll be dismissed out of hand as just another business trying to get money out of their pockets and into yours.
Your design shows you care; that you care about how your business looks, about your audience’s user experience, and about the quality of your business at every level.
Sincerity is your antidote to an increasingly jaded web audience; your commitment to your business speaks to your commitment to them.
The care you have for your business is your strength. The more effort you put into your design the more your sincerity shines through. That’s something your competitors will never be able to replicate.
You’ll find that your conversion rate spikes when you implement this approach to design, because…
Conversion Rates Measure Your Audience’s Trust In You
People may sign on for your product and service for a number of reasons. No matter their reason, the fact they’re hopping aboard indicates one simple fact: they trust you.
Your design is the perfect way to establish the credibility that wins you more conversions.